Thursday, May 29, 2008

Berlin by night.

I'm sitting here outside a pub beside Charlottenburg station in Berlin.

Its half eleven but very mild - not surprising since Berlin is in the middle of a heatwave with tomorrow's temperatures expected to reach 30.

Its quiet here. Just the sound of the odd car, odd train and an old man walking along with what has to be the noisiest walking stick in the world - clack' clack' clack.

A unicyclist has just passed by for the second time. A nice night for it and I suppose its even more environmentally friendly than a bike seeing as there as less parts.

There's nothing like a nice Schultheiss poured slowly like Guinness. Well maybe there is and that's another one.

Must dash....

Let your email find you with BlackBerry® from Vodafone

Monday, May 19, 2008

Getting Junk Mail from Chorus/NTL ?

After 40 minutes on hold (freephone 1908) I finally got information from
Chorus/NTL on how to stop (or should I say request the cessation) of
their junk mail. You have to write to:

NTL Ireland,
Building P2,
Eastpoint Business Park,
Dublin 3.

Probably be useless but at least it's a start in the reporting process.

Friday, May 09, 2008

A tale of 45 slabs.

At the beginning of April I ordered 45 slabs (in stock) from B&Q. They were to be delivered and I had already spayed RoundUp on the lawn ready for them to be laid. I was busy and after a fortnight I decided to ring B&Q and ask about the slabs. I rang daily for 4 days and each day so-and-so was to ring me back with info. Finally on day 22 (a Friday) I went in and cancelled my order. No probs and no questions. No attempt to make amends or retain my custom. Imagine my surprise when I got a call the following Monday telling me that they were going to deliver my slabs. They didn't seem to understand when I said that I had cancelled. So fast forward to yesterday (friday) and I got a call from so-and-so in B&Q telling me that they were ready to deliver my slabs. Despite he being the guy who was supposed to ring me weeks ago he mumbled something after I told him that the order was cancelled a few weeks ago and that he was supposed to ring me and then ended the call... What's worse is that the crowd I ordered from last week still haven't delivered even though they said it would be Monday at the latest..

Sunday, May 04, 2008

"Black Watch" in Ringaskiddy

"Black Watch" in Ringaskiddy
Originally uploaded by despod

She came in so she'll fit out - Independence of the Seas @ Roches Point


Drop the Pilot - Independence of the Seas


Two Cork Pilots & Independence of the Seas


Independence of the Seas - Cobh and the Pilot


Independence of the Seas - leaving Cobh
