Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Breaking news from Ruinair

In a shock announcement Ruinair have declared that if the Government changes the €10 Travel Tax to a percentage-based charge they will do the following:
- reduce the scandalous €5 per passenger/per flight credit card charge, which can be a whopping 500 times the cost of a flight, to a more normal 5%,
- reduce baggage fee of €10/€20 (nearly 2000 times more than a flight) to a fixed 5%,
- stop charging wheelchair levy if you can prove you don't need one (dial 1550 111 111 to make your case).
Runair also pledged that if the tax wasn't removed then they would continue to shut bases such as Shannon which have been their worst-performing in the history of the world. 
"We will not hesitate to blame the Irish Governments travel tax for the closure of our underperforming bases in Estonia, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia and Little Twittering" declared a defiant Michael O'Larry. "The recession hadn't any impact on us until those guys imposed a tenner tax" he droned on whilst pledging to fight this tax until such time as they got bored or they found a new target.

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