Friday, November 25, 2005

More changes

I have changed my phone again. I now have a K700i which has the added features of Bluetooth, panorama shots, larger screen and more memory. I would like to get the K750i but its out of my budget !

The shots in Cobh were taken with the new phone and the shakiness is due to the strong wind at my back. One of the photos shows a navy ship standing off from two Japanese tuna boats - I wonder did it arrest them or are they just in for supplies ?

Taking a panorama is simple just like any other camera you take the first shot and the screen for the next shot has an overlay of part of the last shot which you cover, this makes it fairly seamless. Of course if you can have an identifiable object at the extreme right of the shot it makes lining up much easier.


  1. I got a 750i by pushing for an upgrade with the O2 people on Grafton Street - even though I didn't technically warrant one. They're great phones - especially replacing my long-suffering old Siemens.

  2. I'm on Ready-to-Go and without a doubt in the world I don't qualify for an upgrade of any sort ;-)

    Thanks for the info though... Des
