Sunday, September 18, 2005

What next in the so-called war against terrorism ?

An article in Air and Business Travel News relates that the US wishes to stop the use of one-way tickets as a potential security risk. This means that anyone with a one-way ticket will be viewed as a risk despite the fact that they might be going back with another carrier or indeed another means of transport.

What benefit is this to anyone (other than the airline industry?) ? So now the budget for potential terrorist activities will have to be raised to cover the cost of a return ticket. So that will be that and as far as the Americans are concerned it will be a great blow in their so-called war. Yeah right.

Also in the UK Times yesterday was an article about another great US plan. Now travellers arriving will have to have the exact name and address of their accommodation - no longer will "The Marriott" suffice. So yet again to get around this complex requirement a terrorist will have to learn off an address. Wow. That's going to make the world such a safer place and make it more awkward for those folks who like to live on the edge and get their hotels when they arrive.

At the rate the US are going it will have been easier to get into Communist Russia than the Land of the free...

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